Thursday, December 4, 2014

On Bill Cosby

We will always be a  judgemental world that will personally convict others with or without supporting facts. We have become so magnanimous that it doesn't matter what others say, our minds are already made up as to whether we affirm or deny allegations and accusations. We are so suchy muchy that our own convictions of others trump the rights of God, and any chances that He may exist and really have the final say as the ultimate Judge. It's what we think or feel and that's that.

Because none of us were actually there or witnessed it we can only speculate and rely on what's reported and if on jury duty, be forced to decide guilt or innocence based on what's presented to us. The truth lies in Mr. Cosby (his truth) and the truth lies in the accusers (their truths). But whoever is right or wrong is not for me to say. But I'm sure there are lessons to be taught and learned from both. If Mr. Cosby did it, that's between him and his conscience and his God. But what he or RKelly or MJ has done does not make me appreciate the good they have offered and provided over the years any less. Yes wrong is wrong, if in fact they were actually wrong, but the wrong does not negate the fact that they've also done good to the world as well. We are so good at calling out the 20 wrongs of a person that we can't began to fathom how we should also give them credit for the 20 things they did right. The wrong smothers the right every time. I'm a different breed, perhaps, but I've learned to find the good in all bad things, people, and situations and keep it moving. Live and let live. And there it is... ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~