Tuesday, May 9, 2017

No Disrespect

What's on the Doc's mind:

You know, it really bothers me when black men start dating outside their race and then decide they want to bad mouth black women. As quiet as it's kept, I myself have dated outside of my race a time or two, but at no point and time did I, then or will I now, talk bad about, disrespect, or degrade black men.

See I have a problem with people that feel that just because you choose outside of your race that you have to talk bad about another to validate your choice or preference. When I dated outside of my race, I didn't have to validate or justify my choice by saying negative things about black men or how they've treated me in the past or any of their shortcomings at being "the one" for me.  Personally, I don't discriminate in love and considers myself an equal-opportunity lover. If you know how to act, appreciates my worth, and treat me as such, then you have just as much of an opportunity as the next man regardless of race and ethnicity. Many people miss " the one" by limiting themselves and their options.  I believe that love is transparent. Just like when you love the wrong person and you tell yourself and everyone else that you can't help who you love, the same applies to loving a person of a different color. Many of you won't agree and I'm ok with that. I don't post for validation or the likes, but to say what's on my mind. But anyway, all the reasons I've been hearing lately as to why black men choose to date outside of their race are bogus especially if it is predicated on what the black woman is or is not. You should be dating that person because you truly love them and your heart is in it. Not because your attempt at dating black women failed. Ask yourself what did YOU DO or DIDN'T DO while dating that black woman. What was your role??? Hmmm hmmm?? Anyway, those same generalizations you place on black women applies to every race, gender, and ethnic group. I can vouch for that.... I've seen it, assessed it, and diagnosed it...So to you that said that black women have an f'd up mentality... Guess what? Several People of different races and creeds, including yourself sir, have a f'd mentality, that's nothing new and certainly not a rarity. It's almost like the norm these days... Now how you feel about that? #RantOver

And there it is...... ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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