Wednesday, September 7, 2016


As of 5:39 pm this evening (09/07/16), I have successfully defended and released my "boyfriend"(Mr. Dissertation), and heard the words I've been waiting 5 years and 9months to hear. "Congratulations Dr. Wiley! You did it!" by both my Chair, Dr. Gerald Nissley, and My Committee Member, Dr. Grant Rich. And with that being said, I present to you, without further ado....Dr. Marilyn Wiley!!!
I will be walking in the January Graduation Ceremony in Orlando! #CHEA #ImDone #ClinicalPsychologist #Labcoat #DrRockRamsey #AndThereItIs #FirstAfricanAmericanFemaleDoctorFromBrantleyHigh #FirstDocInTheFamily #Accomplishments

I started my PhD program on 12/07/10, ironically, and I owe this success to my Mom and her untimely demise. She took her seat in Heaven on 12/07/07. If it was not for her tragic death I would have never slowed down and finished my Master's or PhD.  Instead of being depressed, harboring anger and negative feelings, and driving myself crazy wondering about the circumstances of her loss, I put my time thoughts and energy in a positive direction. A direction that not only help me channel my hurt but also a direction that has allowed, and will continue to allow, me to help others.

I would like to say thanks to all my family, friends, and supporters, but most of all THANK YOU GOD!!! Next up is studying for and passing the AZ State Board Exam for licensure 😊😊😊 Let's Get itJames WileylMelinda WileylLatasha ReneenLaTessa YeliwlZach WileylJared WileylKennedy Salyse WilliamsaShirley ShepherdeMary WillslBelinda StreeteJackie Wiley DanielseVeronica WileylFemi Osheshe

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