Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Not Selfish At All

For a person to say that I think I'm always right and perfect and that i think I'm better than other people just further let's me know that they don't really know me at all.  You may know of me, but you really don't know me at all. I don't have to explain my being, or the plight of who i really am, as i owe no man/woman an explanation of who i am and what i stand for.  I let my life and my good deeds speak for me.  Maybe YOU think I'm better than YOU, or else you would simply be unbothered by me or the life i live. 

I am the first to tell anyone I'm not perfect and that I'm "just regular", but i will also give them a written or verbal disclaimer that i am truly blessed and highly favored by the Man Above. I share my life with the world to be an inspiration and to show that in spite of everything i do, be it good or bad, God continues to bless me and He can do the same for the next person. And when He blessed me, I in turn bless others without hesitation. I love hard and have only good intentions and positive energy toward others.  If you are not receiving  that positive energy,  perhaps it's because of your negative disposition, NOT MINE! I am beyond blessed and its not by my doing at all, as i am no better than the next man/woman. But i will say, i will not apologize for my accomplishments or blessings because the same way i grind, pray, give to others, and tithe, you can too. So NO, i will not feel bad or guilty, nor as if I'm better than anyone else for that matter,  just to spare your feelings or make you feel better.  I promote others as much as i promote and love myself, but i will not be demoted, or change who i am because you think or "feel" like I think I'm better than others or can do no wrong. .this is where you get off at because i must keep it moving...#thenerveofyou #OnWithMyVacation #NiceTryMyFriend #tooblessedtobeStressed #PettyCrockerDontCookHere

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