Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thank God For Favor

Great Morning World! Waking up Thanking God for Favor. I'm not picking on people, but a lot of you should be doing the same. When we look around and compare what we have (even if it's not much), to the tithes and couple of dollars we put in the offering for God, if the truth be told we should come up short on blessings. But thank God for FAVOR. He's doing a Favor for us by continuing to bless us inspite of our no dollars or "a couple" of dollars here and there that we give Him. Don't think that it was our "pocket change" that bought everything we have. Much of it, better yet... all of it, was FAVOR! He's not homeless and He didn't ask for "spare change", He asked for tithes and offerings.......... And even if you don't have to give, praises going up opens the doors to FAVOR! If I had 10 thousand tongues I couldn't Thank Him enough for His Favor in My Life! #FAVORED  #HappyWednesday

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