Sunday, September 21, 2014

Men Take Notes

What Women Like in A Man

1). Good Hygiene. Women are into smells.. if you smell bad or your breath smells you need to handle that at all times. You can be the ugliest guy in the world but if you smell good and your breath is fresh you get major points off the bat.

2). Dress accordingly. If you are on a date.. no gym shorts and nike slides please. You don't have to be Sean John or Polo from head to toe but clean up a bit.

3). Be able to hold a good conversation that doesn't always surround what you have and what you have done. Talk about what inspires you and your future goals to better yourself.

4). Show her that chilvary is not dead and not just a first date thing. Open doors, etc.

5). Don't lie about your current situation, job, relationship, or responsibilities. Be honest so she can make an informed decision about you and if there is a need for a second date.

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