Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Get Qualified

Well.. it's been a super long day for me. It's after midnight here my friends so have a great night. But remember, that very thing you tell yourself you can't do.. Guess what? You can. If you try and are told you don't qualify, take that as your opportunity to recognize the gap or your own deficiency, and do what it takes to qualify. Example, if you don't qualify for a job because you lack the proper writing skills, that's your cue to go take a writing class so next time you apply that won't be your weak area. How bad you want something determines your level of effort you put in it. Lack of effort diminishes your ability and chances to achieve and succeed. You are your own worst enemy... Not your so-called haters..I hate to hear when a teenager or adult say "I've applied and they won't give me a job".. Find out why "they" won't. It might really be you that's the problem. If so, fix YOUR problem.. Face it, we don't qualify for half the jobs we apply for, but unless you have divine favor you need to invest in you and get qualified... Take a class, go to a seminar, anything. But don't remain unqualified and lose your hopes and dreams.... Good night bookworms and tweethearts...And there it is...

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