Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Show me

I can't wait for the next Human to get into office as the POTUS... Don't get me wrong, I love President Obama and still support him. But I can't wait to see what miracle worker, that claim they are going to do so much better and make such a "huge difference", is going to do. Since everybody has the answer and have it all figured out I'm going to give them less than 4 years to show me something since they fought against everything Obama presented from day 1. I will not go on a political rant as most people do, but I will make it known if I feel the next person that takes office is not getting the job done. And I don't want to hear what a lousy hand they were given by Pres.Obama because it didn't seem to matter when he was given the same lousy hand. ...We shall see...#showmesomething ..#muchrespecttoyouall #butImgoneSayMyPiece #GrownAmerican #FreedomOfSpeech

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