Friday, July 18, 2014

Black Women Wear Swimwear Too

What's wrong with black women in bathing suits?

Is it our own shameful and impure thoughts about the black woman and her body; is it our own insecurities or is it because we have been taught that showing off our bodies shapes and figures are being fast, hot, or promiscuous?

Black women have always been stigmatized and viewed as sex objects prostitutes, or strippers so it's hard to imagine that a black woman in a bathing suit actually really do want to take a swim or embrace her natural beauty.

It is a societal norm for other ethnic groups to wear swimwear with no second glance unless of course the semblance of Beau Derrick graces the eyes. But all shapes forms and fashions of other ethnic groups wear swimwear and we are ok with it. But after a little black girl approaches puberty, swimwear begins to be really frowned upon and discouraged. Why is that? Is the black woman not seen as a respectable model of beauty, have they been dehumanized as something that should be and should stay covered up, are they deemed as less of a dignified woman because they are showing skin? Are is it pure jealousy or lack of discipline on our part for not being able to control our selfish sexual desires that makes a black woman in swimwear "nasty" or "doing too much". Is it their fault because they are naturally beautiful and viewed as sex symbols due to past oppression and voluptuous curvature?  What? Black people love to talk about what's in the Bible. . Well what verse says that people are not to wear swimsuits? Or if you wear swimsuits YA GONNA DIE? Please show me. .

I think society needs to get their mind right and put the innocence back into every day hobbies such as enjoying swimming pools and beaches and put the confidence back in our black women to embrace their beauty and stop feeling inferior or less than par. Black women do not have to wear a tshirt and shorts to swim. That should be a choice, not something they are forced to do based on embarrassment and being judged and ridiculed.  Yes some may need to do it in moderation and tastefully, but don't make any woman, that's black, white, Hispanic, native, Asian or etc. feel ashamed of who they are or their body.

Now ladies, I am not saying to go out there and degrade yourself but I am saying be modest, tasteful, respectful, and embrace you and who you are. You know whether or not you need to wear a 2 piece, 1 piece, or either with a sarong or cover - up or not. You know whether or not to take a dip in spandex, shorts and a tshirt, or speedos. But the point I'm trying to make is that the choice is yours and don't let those sexually charged and judgemental people of this world make you feel shy, nasty, or like you are going to hell because you didn't cover up or simply wore a "nice tasteful" swimsuit. You can't control what people say or think. They will talk about you in your regular clothes too for that matter. So Black Woman be YOU.. Noone does it better. . ..That is All! #AndThereItIs ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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