Thursday, February 27, 2020

Dont Put Yo Mouth On Me


Stop putting your mouth on people.. You don't know where they've been or what they've been through.

Before you put your lips on somebody, find out where they've been, and what kind of life they live. You might find out that you really don't know them at all, or know their story, which your mouth has puckered up to speak on.

Keep people, and their names, out of your mouth, and you just might realize that it's better to lick the salt off of your own wounds first. #dontputyourmouthonme #youdontknowmelikethat

Moral of the story: stop speaking or talking bad about and wishing bad on people. Stop the negative gossip about people you really don't know anything about and speak life and positivity into their lives if you must speak on them or better yet speak life and positivity into your own life...#betteruseoftime #PutSomeRespeKOnMyName

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