Saturday, November 22, 2014

Practice What You Preach

Great Day in the Morning My Friends! It's such a beautiful morning out! I'm feeling better this morning and almost back to my old self...... This morning I woke up with conviction on my mind. Not just for myself but for a lot of other people as well. I've been thinking about it since one of my pre-teen clients mentioned having big arguments with her mom about her choice of music....

Before condemning those that listen to R&B (R. Kelly, Trey Songz and the likes) and those that listen to Rap (Rick Ross, Lil Wayne and the likes) check yourself and your starting line up of shows you flood fb and other social media with like Scandal, Days of Our Lives, Y&R, Love and Hip Hop, Housewives of ATL, the Have and Have Nots,and How to get away with Murder. Whether it's a kid or a grown up, thoughts are triggered, manifested, and carried out through actions by seeing and hearing. Meaning, not only do we learn from what we hear but from what we see as well. You can't be a fan of Cyrus but teach your kids that being gay is wrong. You can't worship Olivia Pope's lifestyle, yet tell your kids sleeping with married men and outside their race is wrong. Maybe it's me. I'm not saying what you watch or listen to is right or wrong as I don't tend to judge. But I am saying Judge not unless thou be judged by the Most High. I do believe in age appropriateness and I do believe in a person's right to watch and listen to what they want. But I am not ok with pots calling kettles black at any rate. Stop looking down on or talking about others because their sin is not like yours. We all have a choice of picking our poison. One may choose listening while some may choose watching, and yet some may choose both. It's the content that matters and if Scandal and all the other shows have the same content as R. Kelly's "Keep it on the down low", guess what you're feeding your spirit the same thing.... Cheating with married people is ok and noone has to know.... At the end of the day it all excites lustful spirits. As a matter of fact the hot steamy sensual scenes from Scandal has had my wheels turning more than any Baby Making song the Kells have ever sang and I LOVE KELLS... well.... maybe... Hmmmmm maybe it's a tie now that I think about it... but that's neither here nor there... #iDigressed...#teamNoHypocrits #PracticeWhatYouPreachInsteadofJudging #itsTheSameThing

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