Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Team Embrace Your Worth

Dr. Rock Ramsey,

Do you think that the reason so many women are single is because of their new found era of embracing their "worth"? Is embracing their worth and recognizing their worth preventing them from putting up with normal daily relationship woes... because "I know my worth and I don't have to put up with this?" Therefore, they are not giving a man a real chance?

Dr. Rock: AHmmmmmmm....My answer is YES and rightfully so, and that's how it should be. No woman should sacrifice how she should be or wants to be treated even if that means being single. What you put up with and what you allow will be the epitome of your life and relationship. Are there certain things that are manageable and that some women are able to put up with and look over and still maintain their worth..... YES! No man is perfect. Therefore, a woman needs to remain flexible but not broken to the point of putting up with foolishness. However, when a woman feels like there is certain behavior that she can't put up with because it's slowly damaging her physically, mentally, emotionally, or verbally then it's time to rethink whether it is beneficial to sacrifice her worth. Either they stay for the sake of being cuffed or they take the chance of being alone in order to open the door to the one that compliments her and add to her worth. I'll take being single over being unhappy any day...#TeamEmbraceSelfWorth And there it is...... ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

And BTW: This goes for men too. I do believe when a man realize his true worth he won't need this, that, and the third side chick to validate who he is or stitch up his bruised ego......oooops.. For every worthy man is 1 worthy woman... Believe that!!☺☺☺☺😘

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