Friday, August 1, 2014

Stop Playing The Victim

Before I start my work let me drop this on you for the free....

Today is stop playing the victim day. Take responsibility for where you are in your life. All the things that have happened to you and will happen to you may not all be in your control but you control how you let it affect you.

Re-evaluate yourself.... Check out your timeline.. If everyday you are having a constant collage of pity party posts, chances are you are not a victim but an enabler.. you are enabling people to control or dictate your mood and behavior. Victims have no control from the onset but once they realize they've been hood-winked and bamboozled, it's at that point they decide to continue with the victimization or become a Victor over the circumstances.

As humans we look for the opportunity to blame because we are too weak and too coward- like to own up to the fact that we are responsible for our situation. It's time to learn from mistakes, choose friends wisely, and make better decisions that affect our lives. We put ourselves in positions and then cry victim when no one understands or wants to help. Stop it! It's not always about you and how others have wronged you... You did it to yourself 9 times out of 10.....

Don't get me wrong, there are victims among us but some of you need to get over it already and change you! When you change yourself, you will be amazed how your circumstances will change and how you will change from a self made victim to a self proclaimed Victor! Have a great Friday My Friends! And there it is.. ~Dr. Rock Ramsey~

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