Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Forest

The Forest

When walking along in the forest there will be many distractions along the way. Of course there will be beautiful greenery, scenery, and luscious trees shading the way and shadowing the path but did you know those very trees can be distractions? It's those trees (family, friends, enemies) in the forest that we actually grow dependent on and rely on for visuals, protection, rest stops, points of reference, and guidance. But if you rest too long, lose your way, or forget your focus and where you are going, are those trees really a benefit or a hindrance?

All trees do not bare good fruit and it is those trees that provide more "shade" than is needed along your journey. Some trees have a foundation filled with wild vines and roots that may entangle you and have your mind all wrapped up in things that take you off your beaten path. You have those bare and broken trees that have no leaves to help shade you, but you spend countless hours trying to rescue, feed, and water those trees that are slowly dying and taking your light and energy with them. You have those trees in the forest that as soon as the wind blows and the storm comes they blow over, break, dry up, and wither away. You see all of this can make you forget the reason you chose this forest and it's path and deter you from making it out of the forest and into your destiny.

Moral of the story: Don't let the trees in the forest distract you. Pick your shaded path and if that path takes you off of your road to success maybe you should consider the desert next time therfore your path is clear. It may be a long hot dusty lonely road but in the end your path will be clear and you will have peace, focus, and will reach your divine destination that's filled with real and genuinely fruitful trees that are rooted, firmly grounded and strong, that God intended to surround you for your good. Struggle produces results, especially when you learn that there's more paths and roads to success than through the scenic route of "The Forest". ~Dr. Rock Ramsey ~

1 comment:

  1. Doc, I'm currently trying path with the most resistance.. thank u for your wisdom...
